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A timeline, from birth to completion, of year11rock!

15th May 2004: Site construction begins this morning, choosing tripod (reluctantly. Oops! Hope no admins see me flaming tripod.) Started the site, after discussing with some people, and they thought it was a good idea, so I did it. Sure, looks crap, but hey! It's got it's charms!
The first picture is up! "Thepeeps" from my digicam-fest 5th-7th May inclusive. This'll be the first of many (hopefully).
I've started work on the E-Mail Catalogue and just finished D before I take a break and watch Raw Is War, but i'm missing a LOT of addys, so send them to me otherwise we could, like, fall out of contact with people and that'd, like, suck. :(
We have over 50 (53, I think) emails after the first day, which is a HUGE accomplishment, in my opinion. Big thanks page is going up today, and then I probably won't work on anything 'till tomorrow.
Okay, I lied. We've got nearly 60 emails now, i've put up a big thanks page, "Dear Duncan", and Ross has a sheet-loada pics that he's willing to have put on the site.
16/5/2004 - You'd thought after being bitten by the Southern Comfort snake once, i'd have learnt my lesson. OOOOH boy how wrong you all were then. There's a construction crew in my head, repaving it feels like...or possibly tearing down a few buildings, not quite sure, but whatever it is, I wish I had some earmuffs.
Anyway, more "Dear Duncan" e-mails to put up, and today i'll get to work on putting E and F email addresses up. As per usual, keep sending the emails commenting on the site, or anything you wanna say to the rest of the year, send me email addresses for the blank in the book, and definately we need PHOTOS of the last day! Seriously, missing those a lot right now, and need a supply, since they seem to be the most wanted.
I might put up a little page of bits and bobs i'd like to say. Okay, corny poem-like crap that's bound to get you all sentimental, but it's gotta be said, in my opinion.
E and F are finally up, so people can STOP PESTERING ME ABOUT IT!
Mazz complained about music. Ergo, at the bottom of the screen, you can now toggle music on or off.
Sap-tacular is now up as well. The first "verse" as I call it is done, so all you bleeding-heart-types can go knock yourself out!
The first photos have gone up (huzzah), but we need more!
We're up to around 60-65 names now. The list goes on!
Had a run in with the music on the homepage, and had to edit it, but hey, it's fixed now, so no worries! Clarity reins supreme once again! Yes! I rock!
17/05/2004: Not much to update here today. More photos will hopefully go up, and I might get that fuggin' counter to work sometimes soon. This site's a real gargle-bargle of work, if you smell what i'm cooking.......mmm......ribs.
Yeah, so, not a lot to do today, other than put up any photos/messages/emails people send me. If I think of anything poetic, I might put it up, depends on my mood. I've gotta send off my Long Road form before anything, since it's late "AAAAAAAAH!" Oh, and practically strip a tree of all its leaves and twigs in the name of "Art". My practical exam is tomorrow and Wednesday, so wish me luck peeps!
18/05/2004: Art exams should be called "endurance" exams. Raging hunger and the knowlege that it's gunna be two more hours before you can go buy something to eat is never a fun activity. And the thought that i'm only halfway through isn't too reassuring either. Oh my, the struggle is just beginning indeed. I'm too old for this argle-bargle crap.
I woke up this morning, and received more emails. Thanks to Knight, who managed to secure me a domain ( for those of you interested. More messages as per the norm.
Come home from exam, and 11 new emails, 9 for the site, one a freebie, and another offering me many types of drugs.....hmmm.....i'll hold onto that one.
A message board has been requested, and thus you will get one! After i've updated more email addresses, and more on "Dear Duncan", i'm going to put up a message board.
Sorry about that outburst. Had to be done. You have NO idea (unless you took art) how good it feels to finally say "no more Art!". It feels pretty damn good....anyway. John E and Knight have linked their site to mine, and mine to theirs, which is going up on the home page.
Since peeps have been complaining about the amount of time it takes for photos to load in the gallery, the gallery has been split into 4 seperate parts, with 5 photos in each part, and probably growing as I get more pics.
I have tomorrow off, so I can do a lot more when i'm less tired.
Nim is now elected as the "Research / Marketing Director" of the site.... not sure what that entails...ah well, as long as it keeps people happy, i'm not fussed. Good luck Nim!
I could try to get "Good Riddance" (Time of you life) by Greenday on the "Dear Duncan" page, but it's gunna be fuggin' difficult cause of file size and peeps' connection speeds. So don't hold your breath on this one coming up anytime soon.
22/05/2004: It's all quiet...
which is good, because my head's killing me, as per usual. If we didn't need it to live, i'd recommend cutting it off.
Anyhoo, the buzz has died down considerably now, since just about everyone knows about year11rock, so the party's over I guess.
I did add another page to the galleries section, but otherwise, in the way of updates, that's about it.
Well, that was over quickly.
On a side note, we now have 134 of you guys' emails. Mwahahaha! Although the list ain't complete, so keep them coming in.
24/05/2004: And so I said..... WAKE UP!
Guys. we got an exam today! What the HELL are you still doing on year11rock?! Get movin'! Get revisin! Do SOMETHIN'! I dunno...
It's going slow, maybe cause the sites nearly hit "perfection" or some crap like that. There's not many updates or changes, since the flow of emails and pics seems to have dried up.
THAT sucks.
Anyway, good luck with out exam-heavy week. Next week is half term, so we can kick-back and take it easy. Have a good week everyone, and enjoy the weather.
25/05/2004: We've hit a snag, ladies and gents...
Last night, several of you may have been contacted by a "Marc". I deeply apologise if you were, and can only ask for your forgiveness in the matter.
I met Marc via the gamefaqs boards while stuck on Metroid Prime, and kept in touch via msn messenger, talking a lot to him, his wife and kid.
That's right.
This guy's not 15-16 as he says, he's 32, married, and has a teenage son.
He managed to contact some people via the email catalogue. If he does contact you, all I can do is ask you block him, and delete any messages. I am truly sorry for this. It was a forseeable problem, and I should've taken the precautions to protect your data.
I am asking Isaac if he will assist in the creation of a password gate or the email page, which I will send you all once is set up. If not, options from here on are bleak. I won't put you guys in harms way, and may just up and delete the contacts page.
I am deeply sorry for such a lapse in security on my part. This has sort of spoilt the good job I did (or so you guys say) and am unsure where to go from here. Currently the only person to blame is myself, so feel free to.
I'll keep you up to date as things develop. Please accept my humble apologies to those who have been contacted already.
26/05/2004: In the immortal words of Isaac...
So much for anyone being able to contact you guys anymore! I got rid of the email catalogue page, only for it to be relocated! Mwahahahahaha! With a little bit of extra help from Rob, the page is password-protected, and relocated to somewhere paedophiles and pervs won't be able to trace (unless someone here is stupid enough to tell them, which I highly doubt).
The username is year11 and the password is....well....think of a certain geography teacher who's still stuck rotting away in Swavesey :) mwahahaha.
Anyhoo, major thanks to Rob for this. He saved the site, pretty much. Rock on!
28/05/2004: There are MANY more photos up now. 1 extra in each gallery (6 per gallery) and gallery 7 in now up as well, so enjoy y'all! Thanks to Simon Bowman for sending those this way.
Otherwise, there's very little to report on really... I watched the very last friends, and got a violent flashback of how I felt on our last day, which made me wanna say so many things to so many people. And I will, in time...
Also, please send me more Jack Daniels, since I seem to have run out as of writing this.
Rock on guys and girls!
02/06/2004: Okay, I finally got round to watching Return of the King today. I know, there's a grumble of people saying "Idiot! Why didn't you go see it at the cinema!?" To which I reply that by the time I got the cash to do so, and had the time to do so, it was no longer showing. So I vowed only to watch the extended, since The Two Towers was slighlty ruined for me by constantly thinking "Do I remember this? Was this bit added in?" Etc Etc.
Anyway, I digress...
I made another entry into the Saptacular section (what? You people read that crap?!), so check it if you're feeling sentimental and so forth. Otherwise, no news yet, but that hit counter keeps ticking away. What is it that you people keep coming back to see?
Any new suggestions to the site (updates, something you want to see new) just email me (warning: Not a hyperlink) and i'll do my best to put it up.
04/06/2004: I'm just as sick of these fuggin' pop-ups as you all are...
It's 2:48am, and I can't sleep. I'm trying to get comfy, but can't. I put on some Counting Crows and it doesn't work. I pick up a familiar black book to read, and realise why.
I miss you all too much.
I dunno how you all cope. Despite the parts where I thought that you were all out to screw me over, or entirely against me, you are all good, honest, compassionate people. We all kinda clicked at once on that final day, something that i've never witnessed. Such unity, it's quite a cool (understatement) thing to see.
I want you all to email one person from the catalogue who you think hasn't seen the site, and give them the link to it. This is just as much theirs as it is mine, or yours, so share it about. Our time together was priceless, so don't forget it.
As always, rock on.
25/06/2004: In which Duncan finally crawls out of his bed in order to post an update (...yeah right).
Not much to say really. The Prom is tomorrow and I really don't care anymore for some strange particular reason. Maybe I just bored of the hype, or gave up caring about it a long time ago, i'm not sure.
Ahh well, if you all want, send me Prom Photos and i'll bung them on a special Prom Page. That is, if anyone actually comes here anymore...
*Watches a tumbleweed blow by*
You see my point?

Currently Playing: The Prelude (Final Fantasy Soundtrack)

Year11Rock is a Trademark of Dunxco and Duncan Brown, 1987-2004, copying any material from this site without permission will result in harsh, over-the-top legal issues and really big, bad and nasty stuff, so, just don't even THINK it, mmmmkay?