Q: Hey! Your site isn't loading up! What gives?
A: Refresh it a few times, see if it works then. Otherwise the server is down, or something else
that I can't really explain. Just come back later if refreshing doesn't work.
Q: Why do the pictures take so long to load up?
A: Uhh, because your modem is a 56k, probably? And 56ks take a while to load up. Just be patient
about it.
Q: Why won't you put "Good Riddance" (Time of Your Life) on the website? Isn't that our
years' song?
A: Yes, it is our years' song, but it's not going up. Do you have any idea how long
it'd take to upload on a 56k modem? Also, most of you guys and girls are on 56k modems, so you'd have to wait, like, 40 minutes
just to start hearing it, so stop asking for it to go up!
Q: Can you put photos/messages that I send you up?
A: I haven't had any in ages, but sure, whatever.
Q: Why aren't I on the Special Thanks page! I sent you a picture/message!
A: You need to have contributed a significant amount. I'm not putting just anyone up.