For a start, i'd like to thank Alex "Turpman" Turpin,
who helped me come up with the idea, and as such is co-creator, I suppose. Big thanks to him for that. Wherever you go, you're
my mate, man.
Secondly, Hannah Newton for actually getting
me to start this fuggin' site! Otherwise i'd probably still be on the sofa right now, eating some mini cheddars and
watching X-Men 2. Determination, that's what it takes, kids!
I'd like to thank Holly Hawkins for her
contributions towards the email catalogue. We got passed the 50-mark! Woo! Go us!
John Nelson for a couple more of the many emails!
Simon "Sausten" Austen for correcting and ammending a few of the emails
and donating the Counting Crows song for the main page. Nice one mate!
Lucy Reynolds, Sarah Dobinson, Jess Welburn and
Vicky Bailey, head picture honcho's. Where'd I be without them?
Stuart Meechan for more photos, especially the Graham
Simon Bowman for sending in yet MORE photos...
Adam "Bungle" Brown for the numerous emails. Huzzah for the list!
Naomi "Nim" King for taking on the role of Research/Marketing Director
of year11rock, but refusing to write the site addy on her boobs and flash as a means of advertising. Can't
win 'em all I 'spose....
Knight for getting me a domain, big thanks for that, mate.
John Edwards for linking to my site, and vice versa. It's a good site,
I recommend you check it out.
Isaac Huen for the same reason as above.
Rob Barr for emailing practically everyone on the contacts page in
order to advertise year11rock. Nice one! Also, thanks for the passcode barrier on the catalogue, you guys
are finally safe!
Of course, a big thanks to everyone in Year 11 of
2004 for your unconditional love and support. In the words of Ted Theodore Logan
"Be most excellent to each other!"