If you've got a comment, or question about the site,
or just a message you want everyone to see, email me, dunxco@hotmail.com, and i'll post them on here:
Simon Dartford: Yo wassup,cheers dunk
"the hunk",just was wondering,who has the fetish for vicky i mean jeez?shees a nice lass but i think you have some owning
up to do,oh yeah ross b wants more pics of me on there so he can download em n stick on his wall,you have all ben great buddies
to me.........Love simmy dee,oh yeah put my message at the top you basts.
Simon Austen: Went on your site mate. Bloody
great idea, well done!
'I believe you don't know what you've got untill you say goodbye'
Well guys this is it. were all free and now we don't want to be lol, how
stupid is that hay. Anyways im gona miss u all loads, infact i alredy am. Good luck with anything and everything u do, not
that u'll need it. Ceep in touch c ya all soon. Sausten!
Kieran Lay: Great site Dunx. Great way to
keep in touch with everyone!!!
Simon Mayes: Hello ppl
in yr 11 that left this yr (2004). i jus fort id e-mail n say that ure all gr8 n im gonna miss alla u. at least we ad a gr8
day bt its a shame we ad 2 end by sayin goodbye. looks like we were prooved rong by r rents wen they sed 'enjoy skool,its
the best time ov ure life'. wel cheers 4 5 gd yrs. si mayes
It sucks that all good things come to an end.
Lucy Reynolds: heya
people! i am guna miss u all tonz! i neva thought i would miss school so much! u lot r like my second family and we beta stay
in touch n stuff!! thankyou 4 all the goodtimes. missin u all already luv yas lucy r xxxx
John Nelson: Thanks 4
the website duncan, its a great wat to keep in touch with everyone. I'll miss absolutely every1 and thanks to all for the
memories. Also thanks to Simona and Paul for making "Time of your Life" extra special for me in the future.. so bye every1,
and thanks again!
Hazel Unwin: If you can't stand the heat, stay outta the kitchen!
Oh, and smoke me a kipper, i'll be back for breakfast!
Ross Davidson: hey guys, great idea n thanks dunx!
Guna miss all u dudes in yr 11, was a great last day and a great 5 years. No fear, Drink beer!
Michael Campbell, AKA MCJIZZY
lol: Ite evry1 in yr 11, da best yr 11 eva. jus wanna say dat im gonna miss evry1 en its actually well sad dat we r all
splittin up, hopefully dis website will keep us all 2gether kinda, en keep us in touch wid each other. i ad a gr8 time at
skewl wid yall, en i hope u did. most probably c sum ov ya on tele or sumthin like dat lol. anyway love ya all en best ov
luck. Mike
Kelly Dickinson: hey dunx! gr8
site u gotz goin on ere , jst like 2 say
2 the yr 11 of 2004!!! th@ u is the best , and i missin u lot sooooooooooooo much !! it aint gona b the sme wivout yah , newayz gd luck 2 every1 goin 2 college or
doin an apprentiship etc (u wnt need it!), hve fun!! and keep in touch, cos it gona b soo wierd not seeing u lot!!! newayz
luv u all lots like jelly tots!!!! byexxxxxxxxxxxxx *KeLi*
Pool: Cheers mate for this great site!! great idea!!
Hey guys, cheers to everyone for making the last day at
swavesey v.c memorable. I know I'll remember it for quite a while. I can't believe its all over! The last 5 years hav gone
well fast! Im gonna remember u all 4eva and i'm missing every1 already. Good luck to u all in the future and i hope to
see u all agen sometime soon..........mayb the prom.......I dunno. keep in touch guys and cya soon!
Sophie Rolland: hey duncan well done on the
site, looks great but i havnt got any pictures to contribute, sorry!keep it up! i'd love to say i'd miss all of you,
but i probably won't! hmmm thats a little harsh....
see you all around x
Jenni Grantham: I'm sitting here reading wat
ppl have written in to this page, and talking 2 ppl on msn, and its only just hit me that we have finally left. Its the
small things that i'm guna miss. Never working in textiles coz me hayley and kirsty nvr shut up, seein every1 monday morning n
catchin up, Mr Elbourn bein such a funny teacher, running away from mr woods, feeling so secure and safe at svc, and
now we hafta all go our seperate ways. It just goes 2 show how much we took 4 granted our time there, wishing it away
to the last day, now i so wanna go bk. Well, the prom will be the very last time we're all guna be together. In some
ways i dont want it 2 cum. Or atleast, i wont want it 2 end..
Hayley Jenkinson: Dunx, just wanted 2 thank
u 4 the brill site, lets hope that ppl really do visit it loads n stay in touch. U must hav spent loads of tym doing it cos
its changed a lot since my last visit. Neways, just wanted 2 wish every1 all the luck in the world 4 the future, we all deserve
a gd tym. Thanx 4 makin my last day extra special, n pictures will b on there way at the next of the week. Loads of love H'y
Vickey Bailey: Hiya Duncan i wanna say first
of all thanx for a great site, i thought that i would never talk to some people in our year ever again and i would have missed
them so much but thanx to you i wont have to say goodbye to them. Our year must have been the greatest in the history
of S.V.C. I am gonna miss every single person in our year and i will never forget them no matter what happens.
Everyone always sez you dont know what you have got until it is gone and that skool is the best time of your life but i didnt
think that was true until our last day. Skool is a time that i will never forget and i hope its the same for everyone
else. Good luck in the future everybody. even tho u dont need it. Vicky Bailey aka Ugima
Jack Elborun: hi
duncan, gr8 site m8. keep it up an get sum more pics up there of evre1. gd luk btw wid the email thing. i'll give u a cd wid
a bitch load of pics on it bt in the mean time i'll have 2 email u a coupl. I nvr 4t i wood say this bt leavin svc has been
a real bitch. i miss evre1 an i think im not alone in that after readin other peops emails :-s o well, gd luck 2 every1 in
the future, jack
Adam "Bungle" Brown: Well Duncan someone had to do it and you will now
go down in history as that someone who did something you are now a legend. As legendary as Ollie Kerley poet extraordinaire
infact. Well done and keep up the good work. Mmmmmmm cheese cheddars!
Sarah Dobinson: Hiii everyone! Well done Duncan 4 the site, it's a v.
good idea I'd just like 2 say 2 everyone have a gr8
future and in a few years time we're gunna have a reunion k?? Gdgd. Well keep smilin' everyone Loadsa
love, Sarah Dobinson xXx
Holly Hawkins: hey duncan n every1 in yr11.
first of all well done for making this site (i know i keep sayin it but its really a great idea) i read wot every1 has written
n its made me real sad again cos wot every1 says about not knowing wot u got until its gone is true. its so weird that we
can go do wot we want now, but we r not alone cos we hv always got our friends. i wanna say thank you to every1 cos i moved
here 3 yrs ago i was shitting myself but u guys were all really friendly n made me feel at home, so thanks. i guess mr gilder
was rite we r a great year group! well done every1, we survived the highs and lows of svc theres nothin we cant do now, lol.
good luck to every1 with wotever you do in life. i wont 4get svc, the people or how u hv all affected my life. got some great
memories. luvya all holly
King: can i just say!! why the hell did no 1 tel me bout this site 4 so long!!
WOOOOOW!! its such a gr8 idea, im so proud!!:')
im gunna miss evri1 so much!!, i already am and its bin like a day!! the schools changed so much so no1 else better had (yr
10z think theyr yr 11z tut tut, when wil they learn they can neva live up to us!?) i love u guys and i love u lot 4 cummin
up with this 4 like...US! u shud hav a msg board or sumthin tho so we can post msgz 2 eachuva easier than an email and its
like 2 evri1 : D must dash tho grubs up!!(mmm pizza!) luv u guys!!(always) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
*nimsquibear* xxxx (the 1 and onli!!: D)
Stuart "Bilsk" Przybilski: Great site m8,
ill be missin you all and i wish u the very best in your future and with the exams an all. =) =P
from the one and only....
Natalie Cesaro:Hey
1st wanna say a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIG thank u 2 duncan 4 havin this website and 2 every1 who helped!Such a lovely n helpful idea!
Thank you all 4 being such gr8 mates n makin these last 5 years a happy and enjoyable time! i miss u all so much! Gd luck
with ur exams ur all gonna be gr8! Plz do try stay in touch and i hope 2 c u all in 10 years time at the reunion at skool
cz i wont be best pleased if i dont! i love u all so much and take care of urselves!! c u around lotsa love nat xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Isaac "Isacki" Huen: Well, if I say it meself,
0wnage :) Great idea + job Duncan, keep this thing up as an alumni page or something, nice to put up the emails too.
You've done the ultimate duty for your country, soldier. Good luck all, with exams and 6th form placements etcetera.
Five good years, hope you all have many more.
Adam "PJ" PrettyJohns: "Well, Year 11 gone so quickly eh?
I think it's pretty safe to say we've all had some really good times, I mean who could have managed to survive school without
Ivan, always ready to throw a punch at some unsuspecting year 7, as well as the rest of the school teachers who are (hopefully)
going to be able to make us pass these exams! I know I've had some great past times along with my friends, like in Year 8
giving Mrs Smith a nervous breakdown with "PC WORLD!", in tears was so funny! She left and I was given Mrs Roadley as my next
target to pray on, god how she loved me! Not to mention the very last day of school, when some little vandal arrived at 12:30am
on the Friday morning to let down the tyres on the minibus to prevent Ivan having to take the stupid year 10's to alconbury
*checks over shoulder!*. I just want to say thank you to everyone in our year, for making the year what is was, and am looking
forward to the reunion we have ten years from now, is definitely going to be an interesting one at the very least. Want to
say thanks to all my mates for being there, all the teachers for teaching us, and most of all Gilder for putting up with us,
after Ms Pawson! Also would like to say big well done to Dunx, actually made the first website people will use because
it's useful unlike my older sites which I got bored with! All the best for the future everyone, good luck with the exams
. The one and only. Pj xx"
Simon Bowman: Hey duncan, just like to say thanx for all the hard work u put in and im sure will
continue to put into this site, was a great idea n we all appriciate it! good goin!
Keep it up everyone!